Olivia grace and his brother
Well l wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity of trying such a toy petite as l had kidded with friends about using one, first l inserted the toy while standing with my legs apart as if l was being fucked from behind, it felt ok then the finger connected with my clitoris, OMG l nearly fell over, my legs turned to jelly and it took my breath away, it was fantastic l asked myself why hadn’t l ever used one of these sex toys before, well apart from not knowing my mother had one in her drawer. That was true, her belly was big but she had soft curves, big breasts, and very full lips I could not wait to kiss. “You’ve been sneaking peeks at it like a schoolboy ever since I started losing my clothes, but you really haven’t LOOKED at it.” As Tim turned and really looked at her Barb felt a small rush of excitement. I nodded my head and declared, “I do.”
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